Medegina, Romania 🇷🇴
After 30 consecutive days of work in this mytic and devastated country and having been confined between the campus and the power plant for the duration of the contract, I wanted some space and freedom. I decided to take advantage of this last day to take some nice pictures of Romania, as my departure for Bucharest was scheduled for 1:30am.
It was a gray and rainy day. It was cold, my mood was low and I was feeling sad. I decided to go and visit the small village next to Cernavoda, Medegina.
Having previously surveyed the area, I had noticed a few churches there that I was determined to photograph before heading back to Canada.
I was a bit worried about exploring these unknown areas alone. I later learned that they are considered the ghettos of Romania. Still, I had taken precautions and was careful about where I was going. At that time, I had no idea that the biggest danger I was facing was that of being attacked by a dog.
In this picture, you can see the beast that almost ate me alive.
I had spotted him as soon as I arrived, sleeping at the foot of his kennel. I then moved a few steps away to take pictures from a better angle. Suddenly I heard the dog yapping and realized that he was coming at me at high speed, threatening and enraged. Terrified, I took off running, wondering if his chain would eventually stop his mad dash. Miraculously, it got stuck somewhere on the ground, immobilizing the dog about a meter away from me. Oufff! That was one of the biggest fears of my life! What a bad way to end a trip! This mishap led me to the following reflection: we are not always aware of the dangers that we are facing and we don't realize that our physical integrity is only held by a thread or, in this case, by a chain!